

Dataset on sub-national results of national elections in post-communist democracies (first chamber of national parliament)

The database covers electoral results of national parliamentary elections (first chamber) at the sub-national level from post-communist democracies in Europe after 1990, including twenty countries from Albania to Russia, excluding only Belarus.


Political representation of ethnic minorities, Central and Eastern Europe (POREM-CEE)

This dataset offers a cross-sectional view of the representation of ethnic minority parties in parliament. It includes information about 130 ethnic minorities of Central and Eastern Europe, their political parties, and electoral rules.


Dataset "Party nationalisation and ethnic groups in Central and Eastern Europe"

Replication dataset for
- Bochsler, Daniel. "The Nationalisation of Post-Communist Party Systems." Europe-Asia Studies 62, no. 5 (2010): 807-27.
- Bochsler, Daniel. Territory and Electoral Rules in Post-Communist Democracies. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2010, chapter 4.

Dataset Stata (.dta)




Datasets "Comparative Politics in CEE"


Data csv


Dataset list apparentments in Swiss national parliamentary elections

Covering the period 1995-2007, for details see article in Electoral Studies (2010).

Please cite as follows: Bochsler, D. (2010). Who gains from apparentments under D’Hondt? Electoral Studies 29(4), 617-627.

Dataset (Stata 9)


Dataset concordats (inter-governmental treaties) among Swiss cantons [in German]

As of 2005. The dataset might not be 100% complete; it combines and re-organises information retrieved from various sources. See article in Regional and Federal Studies for details.

Please cite as follows: Bochsler, Daniel. 2009. "Neighbours or friends? When Swiss cantonal governments cooperate with each other." Regional and Federal Studies 19 (2).

Dataset (csv format)


Varieties of democracy - the five dimensions (with Hanspeter Kriesi)
Data for the chapter "varieties of democracy" in Kriesi, Hanspeter, Sandra Lavenex, Frank Esser, Jörg Matthes, Marc Bühlmann, and Daniel Bochsler. 2013. Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

The dataset provides for the locations of the 50 countries on the five dimensions. Where not other indicated, the 19 indicators are based on the Democracy Barometer.

Dataset (xls)


Proportionality indices for Swiss cantonal government coalitions, 1990-2015

Description & citation: Bochsler, Daniel, and Pascal Sciarini. 2006. "Neue Indikatoren zur Bestimmung der arithmetischen Regierungskonkordanz." Swiss Political Science Review 12 (1):105-22.

Dataset and codebook (Excel format)


Estimation of the distribution of ethnic identities in municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2008-2010 (with Basil Schläpfer)

Full data (model and estimation results)

Dataset and codebook (Excel format), 118kB



A systematic approach to study electoral fraud (with Lucas Leemann)

Replication Archive (external link)


Measures of vote-seat disproportionality for incomplete data

Dataset .xls


Populism and Quality of Democracy
Juon, Andreas; Bochsler, Daniel, 2020, "Hurricane or fresh breeze? Disentangling the populist effect on the quality of democracy"

Replication files


Power-sharing and democracy

Juon, Andreas & Bochsler, Daniel (2021): The two faces of power-sharing. Journal of Peace Research.

Replication files


Power-sharing and the quality of democracy

Bochsler, Daniel & Juon, Andreas (2021): Power-sharing and the quality of democracy. European Political Science Review.

Replication files


Electoral gains and losses by established oppositions and new parties

Bochsler, Daniel, and Miriam Hänni (forthcoming). "Who benefits from the retrospective vote? Bringing new parties in." West European Politics.

Dataset .xls


The arithmetic of mixed-member proportional electoral systems

Bochsler, Daniel (forthcoming). "Balancing district and party seats: the arithmetic of mixed-member proportional electoral systems." Electoral Studies.

Dataset .xls .ods


Dataset E-voting in Estonia (municipal election results, covariates, turnout and e-turnout)

Bochsler, Daniel (2009) Can the Internet Increase Political Participation? An Analysis of Remote Electronic Voting's Effect on Turnout, DISC Working Paper. Budapest.

Dataset .csv


Data appendix Index of electability, assessing the electoral success of group-based parties

Bochsler, Daniel, Bernard Grofman, and Miriam Hänni (forthcoming). "Fit for parliament: A new index of electability, assessing the electoral success of group-based parties." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.

Dataset .xls


Replication data Territorial Autonomy and Conflict During Regime Transitions

Juon, Andreas, and Daniel Bochsler. 2023. "The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time? Territorial Autonomy and Conflict During Regime Transitions." Comparative Political Studies 56 (13):1996-2029.

Data archive


Effective district magnitude

Bochsler, Daniel, Miriam Hänni, and Bernard Grofman. forthcoming. "How proportional are electoral systems? A universal measure of electoral rules." Electoral Studies.

Codebook xls dta

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